How to play in PetKingdom?
⚔️ Battlefield: as other card games play to earn, we only click to fight and then earn token, but users will not need to pay any fee. AS well, we have develop a good graphics design in-game
💲 The reward will be locked for 14 days. Each day, a pet will have a daily reward limit (For example, a 1-star Pet on The Earth have daily reward limit of 13.2 PKD — refer to this table for further information:
🗡 After reaching the reward limit, pet still can fight to earn more EXP, which will boost their ATK and reward bonus after level up to certain milestone:
💪 The higher the ATK, the faster pet warriors can reach the daily reward limit
✨ With higher ATK, pet warriors can earn more at the Father Planet — The Sun at Map 6 — which will have a huge reward fund thanks to the transaction fee of Marketplace in game
✨ People need to claim EXP first in order to gain level for their pets. The Claim fee is 6 PKD, please be wise when claim your EXP, should claim when the accumulative EXP can break the milestone level to get bonus reward and stronger ATK
🍱 Food Stores:
🔻 Food is free forever
🔻 Your Pets will not automatically regenerate mana to fights. In order to fights as many as battles possible per day, you need to feed your Pets for mana. Food will be distributed freely in the Food Stores
🔻The Food Store includes 24 item boxes; items will be distributed on a daily basis for a period of 2 minutes/ 1 time. So total of 720 dishes will be distributed freely per day
🔻 The amount of food will be constantly updated to ensure a more enjoyable game experience
🔻 Food will have different mana regeneration and mana deductions to be game-friendly and life-friendly
🔻 In addition to food recovery, we are updating the recovery with the token balance in the wallet. There is no need to feed the pet with food anymore
💫 Price: Remain stable at $0.2
- Reward locking for 14 days but the price will be stable due to no one will have token to sell.
- We have 5 maps and the final map Raid Boss — which will make this game much more longer than current games
- To open next map, the total NFT minted at current map (The Earth) need to reach 35.000. You can track the particular number of opening new maps on our website — Stories page
- After a map open, people can choose to fusion NFTs (2 Pet Warriors) for one new Pet Warriors with higher Breed to be eligible for involve in next Map
- Live statistics are on our website for people understand about the development slowly of the game
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