Lesson 1: How to Start playing PetKingdom

Pet Kingdom
2 min readSep 18, 2021


PetKingdom is an available role-playing game. This is an exciting P2E game that immerses players in the experience of exploring and battling on the Solar System’s planets as well as beyond the Andromeda Galaxy.

You must have PKD tokens to purchase warriors in order to engage in the gaming experience. Follow out all the steps below:

1. Metamask wallet installation: https://metamask.io/

2. Connect Metamask with Binance Smart chain: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/connecting-metamask-to-binance-smart-chain

(Prepare a certain amount of BNB in Metamask to aid you in purchasing warriors and paying transaction fees in the next time.)

3. Swap tokens on Pancake Swap; the minimum amount required for one Incubator to opened a Warrior is 200PKD: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xa7C97D58Cb980a701E3c6E4e6c45554Eeb9Aa878

4. Connect the game to your Metamask wallet using the following link:

5. Approve your connection

6. Purchase one or more Incubator (limited to 8 incubators)

(Open Incubator to get a warrior with random stars between 1 and 6)

7. Defeat the Rebels in the BattleField section

(Selecting from one of four difficulty settings: Easy — Normal — Hard — Extreme)



Pet Kingdom
Pet Kingdom

Written by Pet Kingdom

⚔️PetKingdom is a NFT gaming ecosystem seeking to create an Pet Galaxy on the BSC, where players take part in adventure of NFT Universe.

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